When planning a San Diego corporate function, holiday party, or large event, why not make it a fundraiser also? With advance notice, your guests will no doubt be happy to participate, and will be excited by the prospect. Perhaps you are raising money for a specific charity that is close to your heart. Or, you may be saving up for a shared reward such as an employee “fun day” fund. Or possibly, you could be planning to offset costs of the event itself.

Regardless of the objective, you can make the most of your event as a fundraiser. By following the five event fundraising tips detailed below, you’ll learn how to effectively achieve your goals for your next big event. Here are our creative fundraising ideas:

Have a 50/50 Raffle

Your fundraising will be most effective if you’re able to execute it at your event venue, in real time. Therefore, a 50/50 raffle is a great option to raise a little extra money; it’s very easy to carry out and it encourages guest involvement. Simply buy double-sided raffle tickets from a party supply store and encourage your guests to purchase tickets for $1, $2, or $5.

Then, have your guests write their name and phone number on the ticket that they enter into the drawing. This way, you’ll raise some extra cash and your guests will get excited by the chance to win. In a 50/50 raffle, the winner usually splits half of the money in the drawing with the person hosting the fundraising event. It’s a win-win!

Hire an Entertainer For Your Event Fundraising

Another strategy for raising money at your event is to hire an entertainer. For large events like parties and wedding ceremonies and receptions, this can be a musician or a specialty performer. For smaller events like meetings and corporate networking conferences, consider hiring a guest speaker, someone who is well-known and respected in their field. In order to raise money, simply set up a booth at the event entrance and ask guests to give a donation. This way, your guests will be much more willing to contribute few dollars when they know that they will have access to a specialty performer or speaker.

Host a Trivia Tournament

With a trivia night, your guests will have so much fun that they’ll forget they’re raising money! Trivia is a great option because it’s easy to organize, affordable, and extremely engaging. A trivia tournament is perfect for both small and large events. For larger events, encourage your guests to split into teams. This way, each team can pool together their funds and contribute a small donation to play. The trivia topics can be geared toward the specific type of event, or they can be random; it’s your choice!

Compete in a Dance Competition

This type of fundraising is perfect for larger events when a dance floor is available, such as galas and parties. Simply have guests register in advance, collect a small donation from participants, and appoint three people to judge the competition. Then, host the dance-off yourself or have a professional emcee take the mic. Your guests are sure to love watching their friends and colleagues compete in a dance competition. Once the energy grows, don’t be afraid to ask the spectators for donations as well!

Have an Event Fundraising Auction

When in doubt, go with the tried and true option: host an auction. Even though it may not be as engaging as a trivia tournament or a dance competition, an auction will raise a substantial amount of money. Before your auction, reach out to local businesses to find gifts to auction off. For example, many companies will provide complimentary gift certificates, as the companies enjoy receiving the free advertising.

To create excitement before your auction, advertise the gifts offered on your social media platforms. This way, your guests will gain sneak peeks of the prizes offered. With this early teaser, they will be more likely to buy auction tickets at or before your event. Even further, try to offer a range of prizes. Small gift baskets are good and tend to be popular bidding items. Larger prizes, such as travel vouchers and unique experiences around town, will help you raise the most money.

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